Main Project Calls 2021-2027
The purpose of Main projects is to address the main challenges and potentials of the programme area and thereby improve the quality of life in the area.
Projects are expected to deliver viable outputs, whose impact should contribute to programme level results. Each of the Priorities have been designed to focus project applicants on delivering tangible, durable outputs, assisting the delivery of the programme’s ambitions of measurable positive changes in the Programme area.
Main projects normally run for 36 months and involve between 5 and 7 partners. Partners should come from at least 3 programme partner countries, at least one of which from an EU Member State, to ensure that the partnership is clearly of a transnational character.
The call for Main project proposals is open at regular intervals, normally twice a year in spring and autumn (the 3rd Call will run from 17th April to 26th May 2023, dates to be confirmed at the next Monitoring Committee meeting) . The Call details and Terms of Reference will be announced on the News section of this website and a dedicated call webpage will be created for each call.
Application Pack
You can find the Main project application pack on the dedicated call webpage, including all relevant documents such as templates and guidance documents, most importantly the Programme Manual.
Main projects are submitted via the Joint Electronic Monitoring System, Jems, available at
Decision process
Decisions on Main projects are made by the Monitoring Committee. The approval process takes approximately 3 months from submission.
If you are interested in applying, we recommend that you get in touch with the Regional Contact Point in your region. Alternatively, you can contact Christopher Parker at the Joint Secretariat, christopher.parker{at}