About Interreg NPA

The Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic 2021-2027 Programme forms a cooperation between 7 programme partner countries; the Member States of Finland, Ireland, Sweden in cooperation with the Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Norway.This means that the programme area encompasses the Euro-Arctic zone, parts of the Atlantic zone and parts of the Barents region, neighbouring on Canada in the West and Russia in the East.

This unique combination of features results in joint challenges and joint opportunities that can best be overcome and realised by transnational cooperation.

The Interreg NPA Programme provides a framework for the countries and regions to cooperate on common and shared issues in ways that recognise in particular the demands of the geographical characteristics of the area. This large programme area shares a number of common features, such as low population density, low accessibility, low economic diversity, abundant natural resources, and high impact of climate change.

The Programme encourages effective cooperation, to maximise place-based development. It builds on the strengths within sparsely populated communities and finds innovative solutions to support a sustainable and resilient development.


The Interreg NPA strives for an NPA area where communities cooperate with each other to find common solutions to shared challenges, to together become more prosperous and resilient.

Through funding and advice, the Interreg NPA programme enables communities in the Northern Periphery and Arctic to work together transnationally, to turn their ideas into sustainable solutions.

Through Interreg NPA projects communities from remote, sparsely populated areas find like-minded people to work with on matters they have a shared interest in. They exchange experience, build capacity, and are inspired by solutions that work in similar regions.

Read more about the programme vision and strategy in the Cooperation Programme document

The Interreg NPA programme funds transnational cooperation projects through open calls for proposals which are published regularly.

Projects must involve organisations from at least 3 countries participating in the Interreg NPA programme and address the programme priorities. With its work, each project shall deliver a solution that benefits the people who live in the area.

Approved projects will be granted up to 65% of their budget from the programme. The remaining amount must be covered by own resources (staff costs) or by an external contribution.

Once approved, projects can run up to 3 years. During the project, partners will work closely together, engage with stakeholders, promote their work and make their outputs publicly available to any interested party and to the future generation of projects.

This is how Interreg NPA cooperation works!


In general, the programme is open for public and private organisations of all kinds from inside the programme area, for example regional and local authorities and other public sector organisations, research institutions and private entities delivering public service, private-public partnerships, social enterprises, and third sector organisations.

Besides that, local and regional SMEs, among these specifically micro enterprises in remote and sparsely populated areas and business organisations, etc.

Individual persons are not eligible for funding in this programme.

Projects shall first of all address the programme Priorities. Three Priorities have been developed to achieve the programme vision.

Priority 1 INNOVATION CAPACITY: We support projects that can strengthen the innovation capacity for more resilient and attractive NPA communities.

Priority 2 CLIMATE CHANGE AND RESOURCE SUFFICIENCY: We support projects that can increase the capacity for climate change adaptation, and resource sufficiency in NPA communities

Priority 3 COOPERATION OPPORTUNITIES: We support projects that strengthen cooperation capacity and consolidate a culture of cooperation across borders.

Further details are described in the Cooperation Programme.

Between 2021 and 2027, the Programme will allocate 46 833 778 Euros to projects, of which 39 978 162 EUR in European funding (ERDF) will be available to partners in Member States (Finland, Ireland, Sweden) and 6 855 616 EUR for partners in the Non-EU partner countries (Norway, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland).

The funding available for projects has been distributed as follows:

  • Priority 1 Innovation capacity: 45%
  • Priority 2 Climate change and resource sufficiency: 45%
  • Priority 3 Cooperation opportunities: 10%

The Programme is financed through European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and ERDF equivalent funding from the Non-EU partner countries, supplemented by match funding from projects. Projects apply to the Programme for ERDF or ERDF equivalent co-financing and contribute to the project with public or private match funding.

The funding will be allocated through Calls for projects open at regular intervals each year.

Calls for project applications will be launched regularly, approximately two per year in spring and autumn from 2021 onwards.